Tuesday, August 25, 2009

The egg shell is beginning to crack...

It feels like the hatching has begun in earnest. I've been doing a combination of inner and outer work to excavate the gold inside me. As I speak with people about my Dream Maker Program vision, the responses indicate that there's something very good here. During my interviews with people, one common theme is a hunger to find those hidden dreams and passions that are buried under layers of forgotten or lost inspirations, survival needs, being told their dream was too big or not practical, or a life change of some sort. Being witnessed in the pain of that is a powerful opening to go in and begin to dig around for what's been lost, submerged or hidden. There are several ways in. Seems like the most critical piece is a willingness to go for it. If not now, when?

Monday, August 10, 2009

What a powerful time this is -- not only has there just been a series of 3 eclipses, but the level of consciousness on our planet is rapidly moving upward. That's why so many structures are dissolving, collapsing and changing. The same is happening with me personally, and with many of my clients.

For me, I've been allowing many of the structures in my life to dissolve -- allowing is so much better than resisting! As this happens, new inspirations and opportunities are appearing. For example, several weeks ago I was watching "So You Think You Can Dance" with my daughter. It's a seasonal TV show where young dancers compete to be voted America's favorite dancer. As I was watching the show, I couldn't take my eyes off the host -- she has a million watt smile, and all she did was love everyone connected with the show. She loved the dancers, the judges, the live audience, and the millions of TV viewers. I thought, "That's what I do, love people and reflect back their magnificence to them."

A few days later during a meditation, I "saw" myself in a similar role in a program called "The Dream Maker." It was all about helping people to access the passion or dream in their heart, articulate it and providing the coaching, mentoring, guidance they need to embody and radiate their dream. Once that happened, there was a big network of contacts waiting to meet them to help them make their dream happen. I was the one assisting them in making the dive into theirheart to access the dream and passion and helping them to embody that; then managing the mentoring/coaching process; and finally making the introductions to the network. It was all about loving all the people involved with each aspect of it.

Now I'm actively sharing this with people and making it more real for myself, and attracting it to me. Cool, huh?

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

hatching my own next breakthrough...

You know what they say about a mentor? That they are only a step or two ahead of their students. In that spirit, I am fully immersed in mining some inner gold. I've been busy interviewing people about some potential new products and programs, working with new clients in new ways, and taking several courses and training with mentors who are a step or two ahead of me. There's definitely something big incubating....more to come very soon.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009