Monday, September 28, 2009

The Power of Focusing

I know, I know, we all know that focusing is powerful. And yet, it's easy to get distracted because we have so much information coming to us in so many ways so much of the time. This is why the day has suddenly flown by and we didn't accomplish what we intended. And this is the way life is, right?

It's become obvious to me that I'm not producing the results I want to in certain areas in my life. I have endless "to do" lists, and they keep getting longer, and I end up frustrated. Instead of the stories why I don't have the results, I've committed to shifting my mindset around all of this. Some of this came home to roost the other morning at Boot Camp -- this is an intensive exercise program I do 5 mornings a week. I did an experiment where I focused on doing each exercise as well as I could, and to appreciate my strength and fitness while doing so. I had an amazing workout, and did much more than I normally do. This was a powerful realization, because I suddenly "got" that if I focused this intently in every area of my life, I'd produce more results and feel better about it.

Since then I've committed to focusing on creating abundance and to take one new business action every day. And I have to say, that my results are changing. I have a few tips to help organize your thinking and help with your results:

1. Every morning I think about and write down the 3 things I'm going to focus on for the day, as well as my intention for the day. For example, visualize my ideal life and the feelings that go along with living that life; time for meditation or contemplation; and calling 3 references for an assistant I want to hire. All of this was done in the context of knowing that all that I want is already here. After I make the list, I put it aside. The next morning, I check my results with my list and make my list for the new day. Sometimes I have an accountability partner to share these focuses and intentions with -- all it takes is a 5 minute conversation in the morning.

2. Use your Universal Project Manager. This is about trusting the Universe to bring what you ask for. To do this, draw a vertical line down a sheet of paper. On the left side, list the things that only you can do. On the right side, list all the other items, with the intention of asking the Universe to bring you these things. After you make the list, stop thinking about what's on it -- burn it if you wish. Just forget it and assume and expect that it will be done. Then see what happens!

3. Focus on one area of your life at a time. Multi-tasking doesn't always work out so well...
As I'm focusing on creating abundance while bringing my gifts to the world, it's showing up in interesting ways. The other day I was driving down the road and I noticed that a car was pulled off to the side a little ahead of me. As I approached, a woman jumped out of the car and was looking at the road, as if she was about to dart into the traffic. I saw that she was focused on the money that was wafting in the air -- it was raining money! I laughed and took it as evidence that it's all around us, all the time!

Let me know how these tips work for you!

Sunday, September 6, 2009

The missing piece...

A hand analysis recently revealed that my life purpose is to be a major spiritual teacher, helping others through their personal crisis of meaning, using my deep spiritual wisdom, practical intuition and providing innovative ways to find peace in oneself and in the world in this day and age. Holy Smokes! That sounds BIG, doesn't it? And it's been the missing piece of clarity as I've been in the incubation process. How to take my mojo and bring it out of the closet, so to speak, to be available in more ways to more peeps.

Rather than dumbing it down, it's about providing more points of entry that will appeal to different people in different ways, and all doors lead to the deep work of uncovering our authentic self and gifts. This is an entirely different perspective for me, and one that honestly scares and excites me simultaneously. It's about publicly declaring myself as a spiritual teacher on the leading edge of innovation about making the deep dive into who we really are.

Look for more about all of this very soon...and in the meantime, ponder this question:

What do you want in your life? And tell the truth about it, the truth that's underneath what you think you want, what you think you should want, and under what others tell you to want. It's that deeper place that you seldom access or acknowledge, the place that when you're there and mining the gold, will literally transform your life. Keep asking yourself what you want, and with each answer, ask again, going deeper and deeper into it.